Pahrump Community Library District
Doris Shirkey, Founder
701 East Street, Pahrump, NV 89048
Board of Trustees Regular Meeting August 12, 2019

Meeting called to order at 10:00 am. Present were Carlton McCaslin, John Pawlak, Marie Long, Joy Marshall, and Susan Wonderly.  Guests present were Amy Bruno, Mandy Cafeo and Alysha Wogee.

Public comment:  None


Adoption of Agenda/Consent of agenda: John made a motion to accept the agenda; Joy seconded and the motion carried. 
Acceptance of minutes of 7/08/19 meeting: John made a motion to accept the minutes of the previous meeting as written; Marie seconded and the motion carried. 

Treasurer’s Report: (attached) Susan presented the report. She noted that while the invoice for a new computer server was included to be signed, it had not been included on the Expenditures for this month but will appear next month.  Both the year-end report and the first month FY 2019-2020 were included today. Joy made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report; John seconded and the motion carried.  


Clock Donation: Susan reported that a patron would like to donate his father’s full-size grandfather clock to the Library, since his father had once helped with the volunteer security in the Library and has since passed away. While no action is required, the patron just wanted to make sure that the Board approved of the donation and it is the general consensus that the clock will be a nice addition to the Library. It is agreed that attempts should be made to secure it to the wall for safety and that any hourly chimes be silenced. Susan will contact the patron to see if he wishes to proceed.

Calendar update: The next regular meeting will be held Monday September 9, 2019, @ 10:00am. 

Librarian’s Report:  (attached).  Susan reported that she is getting shelving for the inside of the new shed on the patio. She noted that she included Mandy’s year-end Special Programs Report with her Librarian’s Report, showing all the programs, displays, attendance, etc. for the past fiscal year in the Library.

Stats attached. 
Vouchers signed. 

Public Comment: John and Susan are planning a field trip to Crystal to see about putting a Little Library out there. John is also going to Burning Man and asked about the possibility of bringing back (appropriate) art/sculptures to temporarily display in the Library. t was agreed that this should be fine. Mandy invited all to the String Quartet Concert scheduled for Sept. 6 and reminded them that the train display will be in the Library this week.

John made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Marie seconded, and the motion carried.  Meeting adjourned at 10:22am.

Submitted by:
Susan Wonderly