Board Meeting Minutes – 12/13/21

Meeting was called to order at 10:00a.m. Pledge was said. Present were John Shewalter, Dave Ochenreider, Kameron Mitchell, Dee Mounts and Shanna Gibbons. Brian Shoemake was an excused absence due to illness. Guests present were Barbara Wieder, and various members of the public.

Trustee/Director Comments: John Shewalter announced that Brian Shoemake was out. Kameron Mitchell thanked Maria her kind words.

Approval of Agenda/Consent of agenda: Dee Mounts made a motion amend the agenda by striking agenda item 7 (Emergency Items), and Kameron Mitchell seconded the motion and the motion carried. 

Public Comment: C.J. Stevens stated she was disappointed that the Library director position hasn’t been filled and that it has been 8 months. She pointed out that the other board members can take action in getting the position filled.

Emergency Items: Item was stricken.

Approval of Minutes from November 19, 2021 meeting: Kameron Mitchell made a motion to amend and accept the minutes of the previous meeting by correcting the word minutes to vouchers; John Shewalter seconded and the motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: (attached) Shanna Gibbons reviewed. Shanna Gibbons stated that Dan McArthur CPA is assisting in getting the budget outlined and is waiting for paperwork to come in. C.J. Stevens asked if the CPA is going to cost us extra. Shanna Gibbons stated “yes”. 

Discussion and Deliberation to approve vouchers: Kameron Mitchell made a motion to approve the vouchers, and Dave Ochenreider seconded the motion and it carried. Vouchers were signed by board members.

Librarian’s report: Shanna Gibbons discussed the Librarian’s Report (attached). 

General public comment: CJ Stevens- She stated that Shanna Gibbons is doing both jobs and all things are not getting done understandably. Recognition should go to all that are helping and that there should a special meeting called to hire a new director.
Jane Goodrow- She stated there has been no response to her request in January regarding the hiring of a new director, and that a status report is requested. 

Trustee/Directors/Liaison Comments:  Kameron Mitchell is concerned that there is an inability to hire a new director and would like to get together to address it.
Dee Mounts- She stated she is concerned as well and that she thinks it should be reposted.
John Shewalter- Clarified that finding a new director has been a struggle and that Shanna Gibbons has pulled and reposted the position for prominence.
Shanna Gibbons- She confirmed the reposting of the job listing.
John Shewalter- He stated that staff and personnel is something he is not allowed to discuss with the public.
C.J. Stevens- She stated that according to NRS 241.031 and 241.033 he has the absolute right to discuss staff/personnel in an open meeting. She stated the Dave Tulanian should be contacted to discuss that the position is still open and that he was well quailifed.
John Shewalter- He stated that he will not revisit this issue again and will not discuss personnel in public.
C.J. Stevens- She interrupted John Shewalter while he was speaking.
John Shewalter- He stated that if he is interrupted again that he will end the meeting. He stated that he will not revisit the issue (old applicants). He was interrupted again.

Adjournment: Kameron Mitchell made a motion to adjourn the meeting. John Shewalter made a second and the meeting adjourned at 10:36 a.m.