Board Meeting minutes 7/11/2022
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 10:05 am.
Member Roll Call: Present were John Shewalter, Dave Ochenreider, Brian Shoemake, Dee Mounts, Director Vanja Anderson, Asst. Director Shanna Gibbons, and Children’s Director Alysha Wogee. Kameron Mitchell had an excused absence. Guests present were members of the public.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Trustee/Director/Liaison Comments: 
Trustee Mounts: Received a donation to the library from Mary Fisher of a local author’s book titled Your Life Belongs to You by Charlotte Fisher.
Approval of the Agenda: Item 7 (Emergency Items) and item 12 were stricken from the agenda. The agenda was adopted as amended.
General Public Comment: 
Approval of the Minutes: Ochenreider moved to accept the minutes of the June 13, 2022 Library Board of Trustees meeting. Shoemake seconded the motion. The minutes were approved by a vote of 4 for, 0 against, and 1 absent.
Presentation Treasurer’s Report: Director Anderson presented the treasurer’s report on expenditures and revenues for June 2022. She reported that salaries and wages were over-budget by $3000. A discussion ensued as to how to address the shortfall. The Director said she would get back to the Board on that.
Approval of Payment Vouchers: approval of the payment vouchers for the period of June 2022 to July 2022 was given by a vote of 4 for, 0 against, and 1 absent. The vouchers were signed.
Presentation Librarian’s Report: Staff was given a 4% COLA. The library has switched insurance providers. We have opened two new bank accounts with Nevada State Bank and have closed the accounts with Bank of America. She has contacted Ashley Campbell to schedule a meeting to discuss the micro-school, which should take place in the next few weeks. She reported a discussion with Trustees Ochenreider and Mounts concerning the meeting room improvements. She reported on three employees who have decided to resign and she is in the process of replacing them. Some interviews have been completed and additional ones will be scheduled.
Shanna Gibbons reported on the June 2022 library activities, which included patron traffic, books checked out, books returned, internet usage, story time, STEAM, website usage, and materials added. Total Usage increased as did many of the categories listed on the report. Shoemake asked about RB Digital and Shanna stated that it is no longer used as it merged with Overdrive. Alysha Wogee reported on the children’s programming. See the report in backup.
Alan Michels reported on the box details, ideas, and building materials for the little libraries project. He enlisted help from Steve Bacus for the prototype, which used donated materials. Cost of materials for the libraries will be about $225 as opposed to the $1200 kits available online. Also, he is looking at sponsors for the little libraries. A suggestion was made by Shoemake to look into weatherizing and venting the boxes. Also, let the board know of the costs that would entail.
Item 13: A motion by Shoemake to approve the proposal by Custom Homes for an audio/video system approved by the Board on April 11, 2022 at a cost not to exceed $9,085.00 was seconded by Mounts.
Shoemake discussed the features of this all-wireless system, e.g. microphones for each trustee and the directors table, in-ceiling speakers, televisions, etc.
Public Comment: 
Alan Michels asked whether the system allowed for HDMI connectivity and connecting to the library’s internet. (Answer: yes)
Joe Burdzinski suggested providing an additional camera to be able to do Zoom meetings would be beneficial.
The motion was approved by a vote of 4 for, 0 against, and 1 absent.
General Public Comment: 
Chelsie Fischer – Suggested scheduling popular authors to come so readers can meet with them. She stated she has been speaking with the Superintendent about a literacy program to get children to start reading earlier. Contacted Dolly Parton’s program for support. Thanked the staff for the SRP fliers.
Trustee, Director, and Liaison Comments:
Mounts would like to know more about the micro-school program.
Shoemake would like a presentation about the micro-school at a future meeting.
Shewalter said he has been trying to get the micro-school folks teamed up with the library staff. He will invite Don to again give his presentation at the next meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 11:06.