Board Meeting Minutes June 12, 2023
1.  Board Meeting June 12, 2023
Meeting began 10:04 am
Invocation: Brian Jacobs
2.  In attendance: John Shewalter, Brian Shoemake, Dave O., Dee Mounts, Matt Morris (trustees) DDA-Michelle Nelson, Karneges, Alysha W., Vanja Anderson, Liaison-Frank Carbone
3.  Pledge: Matt Morris

4.  Trustee/Directors/Liaison comments:
Liaison- County Commission meeting moved to June 27th in Pahrump.  DAV had a BBQ. Great event, wished more people would’ve attended.
Vanja-None, Morris-none, Mounts-none, Dave O-none, Shoemake-Beautiful day, Congrats to colleagues on school board/district, Shewalter-None
5.  Approval June 12,2023 pass 5-0
6. Public Comment-none
7.  Emergency items-strikes.  DDA Michelle Nelson Reopen #5 or let die with no motion.  Public Comment-none
8.  Approve or amend and approve May 8th & 22nd minutes. Shoemake 1st, Morris 2nd.  Public  Comment-none, Board comments-none. Minutes approved 5-0.
9.  Treasurer’s Report:  Month have yearly bills, why so long & high?  Shewalter-wants to update sheet  to have totals, subtotals for items.  Page 14-what has come in, Page 15-what has already paid.  Property insurance  has been paid? Page 14-Outstanding expenses not paid? YES.  Revenue $1,139, $264.00.  Shoemake- Correct how Vanja is submitting line items.  Shoemake- asks Vanja to read off headings for easier follow.  Shewalter-Cash in take for May? YES.  Property insurance- how long ago was the last negotiations? Can we get a better rate?  It’s a lot of money, cumulative ?  Vanja- one payment per year.  Put something together to show what’s covered.  Shewalter-You have it but it’s not in back up? I don’t see it on vouchers.  When do we re-new?  Vanja- 7/1/2023 to 7/1.2024 YES.  Shoemake-consider giving us a better rate.  We’ve been in good standing for a while.  DDA-Michelle Nelson-Close #9 then go to #10.
10.  Vouchers approved Shoemake 1st, and withdrawn.  Amend & approve. Shewalter interrupts.  DDA-Michelle Nelson-state what you are amending.  Shewalter - amend motion to remove insurance.  Shewalter 1st, Shoemake 2nd.  PUBLIC COMMENT- Carbone- confused why we’re removing the insurance when payment Is due 7/1/2023. Asked Shewalter if he’s able to negotiate in 30 days?  Robin Crowly-Insurance covers what exactly?  Liability or not? Need to negotiate for a better rate. BOARD COMMENTS:  Shewalter-Give Vanja some time to re-negotiate the price, have Vanja make a presentation on coverage before payment due & if we can get money back $32K is a lot.  Address in the next couple of weeks.  Shoemake-Client in good standing, we should get better rate.  Dave O.-Agree to looking into it. Be careful though, make sure we don’t lapse on coverage.  Maybe we shouldn’t shop around now, but maybe next year.  Shoemake- No time to shop around now, but next year.  We should shop around.  Shewalter- meet again later to discuss grace period?  Meet in two weeks, 26th?  Dave O-Did policy provide us with what is covered?  Learn had HVAC, knowing if go out for bid with other companies.  Look at billing history, look at other big expenses to see if we can save money.  Shoemake-Can board get a copy of insurance?  DDA Michelle Nelson- Motion to accept additional backup.  Shewalter-1st, Shoemake-2nd.  10:39 am- 10 minute recess to make copies of A&H Insurance packet copies.

10:59 Call to order(back on recorders) additional backup provided.  Anyone in public  who wanted a copy who didn’t get it?  NONE. Close #10 and reopen #9 give public chance  to ask questions.

#9 reopened- Treasurers report-presentation.  BOARD COMMENTS-  Shoemake-Page #15 saw some discrepancies .  Communications cumulative amount? YES. Telephone/Internet? YES. Why a broad discrepancies?  Numbers are not adding up. Vanja-good questions she’ll have to get back to him.  Shewalter -How do numbers come up? Shoemake- needs to be fully scrutinized.  Go line by line and fix it.  See what we’re paying more on. Request Vanja to scrutinize each line item to make sure she negotiates next 30 days.

#10-reopen per Shewalter.  Open #10 so public can comment.

#11- Librarians report-  Raffle tickets,  Bingo or pay $1Shoemake-Have you ever had interest in drag queen story time?  NO.He says if so there will be problems with the board.  Dave O- more questions on vouchers.  Questions are  on Director’s report. NONE. Go back to #10

#10-reeopen:  Pay vouchers Public Comment.  Jenny Okawa- Opinions not wise to not pay insurance bill.  Robin Crowley- Back to insurance reading membership is very impressive incline. Village have a lot of money,  If it aint broke, don’t fix it,  BOARD COMMENTS: Shewalter-to sing, DDA Nelson says its off agenda.  Incline Village not shopping it.  Mis spoke: it has credibility  part of pool pact? YES,  Shoemake: Wants to make sure we’re getting a good rate.  Shewalter- meet in 2 weeks, Vanja will negotiate with pool pact for a better rate.   Hope we come to we can come to agreement to pay all other bills but not insurance.  Presentation  from Vanja, if she understands this.  None,  Shoemake-If can’t get better rate, ok, Then get a 6 month policy so we can shop around.  Switch from 1 yr to 6 month policy. Shewalter-Pool Pact provides us with a lot that maybe an obstacle. New place will need to be thoroughly evaluated,  Shoemake-6 months to re-evaluate.  Shewalter-NO. 6 months policy may be Monthly?  Look back a year. Shoemake- if we cannot do 6 months then pay the bill and take the year to research .Dave O- good ideas, should have had 6 months ago. Concerned about doing this to point he isn’t sure he can sign voucher. We hold off 2 weeks time frame to submit & move  to county and enough time to pay?  Carbone- No specific time. All depends on invoice varies per contract. Shewalter-How quick can we get dispersements to pay it? Can give it a week. Shoemake- Just pay it, then 1 yr. to research. Mounts-Don’t want it to lapse.  Pay it then take the year to investigate. Shewalter-Pay vouchers without it, meet again on 26th where Vanja can present & negotiate another price with pool pact.  With lights, we had a hard time paying in amount at tie the invoice stated.  Mounts- Still on item #10? Trash companies are listed on here, one is. Billing.  Morris-  Pursue what’s in front of us. Lots can go wrong, 6 months is pushing it.  Pay it now then take a year to research.  Shoemake- pay it, then research it. Don’t monkey around with insurance.  Dave O-Director contact these people, ask about price, not to exceed $32K,  Shewalter- Inclined to pay it now, but there should be a caveat. Agreed to be swayed. Things just came to us.  Vanja has known for a week.  Known for 10 days Vanja-YES,  Advisor to Board-public interruption.  Things like these should be sent to the board by Vanja.  DDA Nelson- under direction of board, legality offline.  Dave O-She needs to advise the board.  Nelson brought up during trustee comments.  Shewalter-withdawl, Shoemaker-withdrawl pay the payment vouchers. Shewalter- 1st, Shoemake-2nd signing vouchers.

#12-Trustee/Director/Liaison comments:  Carbone-thank you for approving the vouchers, Vanja-Have presentation done om two weeks? NO. Shewalter- whoever prepared the agenda Have Vanja add page numbers before sending it in.  Vanja will have discrepancies. Cant make changes if already posted, Must be posted 3 days prior to meetings.  Back up is for public so they understand what were dealing with & can continuously be amended. Public records request dealt by legal through a form?  Have to check.  If not we need it created,. Nelson will help with it to get on website. Vanja is advisor to the board.  Wants to see more effort. Especially with things like insurance.  Shoemake-Forms coming along well. What’s. Bugging him is it the headings are too small?  Need large font and bold wants smooth transition,  Dave O- talk to director about cross training like to see in policy a flow chart that’s updated .  Wants status report next meeting.  Vanja has cross trained-good.  Mounts- Thanked Brian Jacobs with invocations & the public.  Morris-Thanks all for coming

#13 ADJOURNED- 11:53pm