Pahrump Community Library District
Doris Shirkey, Founder
701 East Street, Pahrump, NV 89048
Board of Trustees Regular Meeting May 21, 2019

Meeting called to order at 10:15 am. Present were Carlton McCaslin, Bobby Edwards, Joy Marshall, Marie Long, Janice Painter, and Susan Wonderly.  Guests present were Amy Bruno, Mandy Cafeo and Alysha Wogee.

Public comment:  None

Consent Agenda:  Adoption of Agenda/Consent of agenda: Bob made a motion to accept the agenda; Marie seconded and the motion carried. 
Acceptance of minutes of 4/8/19 meeting: Joy made a motion to accept the minutes of the previous meeting as written; Janice seconded and the motion carried. 

Treasurer’s Report: (attached) Susan presented the report. Mandy asked for a brief explanation of expenditures. Bob made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report; Janice seconded and the motion carried.  
Reports/Discussions: None

Calendar update: The next regular meeting will be held Monday June 10, 2019, @ 10:10am. 

Librarian’s Report:  (attached).

Stats attached. 
Vouchers signed. 

Public Comment:  This being Bob’s final meeting as a Board member, he expressed his appreciation for the Board and staff of the Library, and wished everyone success in the future. All present wished him all the best; he will be missed.

Joy made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Janice seconded, and the motion carried.  Meeting adjourned at 10:39am.

Submitted by:
Susan Wonderly