Pahrump Community Library District
Doris Shirkey, Founder
701 East Street, Pahrump, NV 89048
Board of Trustees Regular Meeting March 9, 2020

Meeting was called to order at 09:59am. Pledge was said. Present were Marie Long, Joy Marshall, Janice Painter, William Zimmerman, William Newyear, and Susan Wonderly. 

Guests present were Amy Bruno, Shanna Gibbons, John Koenig, Carlton McCasiln, Alysha Wogee, Tammy Westergard, and Norma Fowler. 

Approval of Agenda/Consent of agenda: Joy asked that the agenda be approved. William Newyear made a motion to accept the agenda: Janice seconded and the motion carried.

Public Comment: Joy opened the meeting by calling for Public Comment. Everyone went around the room and gave a short Bio about themselves and welcomed the new board members.

Approval of Minutes of 02/10/20 meeting: Janice made a motion to accept the minutes of the previous meeting as written; Marie seconded. William Zimmerman asked that there be a correction in the minutes to reflect the Librarian’s report section: “Susan read her statement saying she will not enforce the policy of no guns in the Story Room”, and to change it to “Librarian’s report: Susan read her statement saying she will not enforce the policy of no guns in the Library”. William Newyear made a motion to accept. Marie seconded and the motion carried. 

Treasurer’s Report: (attached) Susan noted that the current report is attached. William Newyear made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report; William Zimmerman seconded and the motion carried. 

 Librarian’s report: Susan stated that it is Youth Art Month at the Library and that anyone 18 and under is welcome to display their art here in the library. The Irish Spring Concert went well and they are already planning on having another one in a few months. She explained that DP Air has had a delay in getting our system going, but hopefully, it will be done soon. Vita Tax Service will be here for 3 more dates for the year.

Library Board Trustee Training
State Librarian Tammy Westergard: Tammy was here to give a Library Trustee Training Presentation. Her presentation included the different types of Library Boards (Advisory and Governing) and their responsibilities. Norma Fowler went over the training topics, supporting materials, and resources. Tammy Westergard encouraged everyone to take the training, as is would benefit the community and the library.

John Koenig: He stated he would take the training as Commissioner.  

Reports/Discussion/Possible Action:
Susan went over the FY2020-21 budget which included revenue and expenditures for the upcoming year. We are planning to save some money for our Capital Projects which include new carpeting and a possible Book-Mobile. With the tax money collected and the revenue from our book sales, fines collected, and the help from grants she wants to replace the full-time person who retired and add two part-time people. Also, of a 2% cost of living raise for employees.

William Zimmerman: He asked what time of year is the slowest at the library so the carpet might be replaced during that time. He suggested that we pick a time where it would be the least inconvenient for the patrons.
John Koenig: He asked about the Book-Mobile and where does that come from?
Susan: She stated that also comes out of the Capital Projects. 
Tammy Westergard: She explained some Book-Mobiles are State Funded and how there is a way to try to get it in the budget through the legislature.
Joy Marshall: She asked if we had a date in mind for the Book-Moblie.
Susan: She explained that there is no specific date and right now we are just trying to save up for one. She explained that she also has to have money for future building upkeep costs.
Susan: She went over the Book-Mobile and the potential areas of town that it might serve.
William Zimmerman: He wants information concerning the new full-time (replacement) and the two part-time positions to see what the Library will benefit from it. He also stated that the 2% cost of living raise doesn’t seem like it is staying ahead of the rise in the cost of living increase and that maybe it can be modified to fit that increase and he would like more information on that as well.
Calendar update: The next regular meeting will be held April 13, @ 10:00am.   
Vouchers signed.
Public Comment: None
Janice made a motion to adjourn the meeting; William Zimmerman seconded, and the motion carried. 
Meeting adjourned at 11:23am.