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Pahrump Community Library
The Information, Education, One-Stop Mind Station!

Library Board Minutes

Pahrump Community Library
Minutes of the April 8, 2024 Meeting

1.    Call to Order
There was a moment of silence for Brian Shoemake prior to the call to order.
Meeting called to order at 10:05 am.

2.    Members Roll Call

In Attendance: Secretary Kelly Green, Trustee Matthew Morris, Trustee Dee Mounts, Vice Chair Michael Runion, Chair Shewalter, Senior Deputy District Attorney Michelle Nelson, Director Vanja Anderson, Children’s Head Alysha Wogee, Commissioner Frank Carbone

3.    Pledge of Allegiance

Trustee Morris led the Pledge of Allegiance Prior to the Call to Order

4.    Trustee/Director/Liaison Comments

Commissioner Carbone says he has nothing important to discuss and it is great to see everyone.

Director Anderson has no comments.

Secretary Green thanks the person who suggested taking the library trustee training on the Nevada State Library website. She says open meeting law training is only a small part of it and the training entails the duties, responsibilities, and expectations of library trustees. Through the site board members have access to a lot of high powered people around the state and that she hopes other board members will take advantage of it because it is worth the effort. She states that it is National Library Workers Week and she would like to thank the library staff and volunteers for the work they do.

Trustee Morris has no comments.

Vice Chair Runion has no comments.

Chair Shewalter says for required training there was an email sent out by the county on OML training schedule and if any trustees did not get it they should let him know. He would like to remind everyone not to forget to sign up. He says Secretary Green was nominated as secretary and provided the minutes for the previous meeting. However he asks library staff to take care of minutes so as not to create an Open Meeting Law violation. He says he has discussed with counsel.

Director Anderson asks what the problem was with the minutes.

Chair Shewalter states he did not say there was a problem with the minutes; he said it was an effort to avoid Open Meeting Law complications. 

5.    Approval of April 8, 2024 Agenda (Non-action item)
Chair Shewalter moves to strike item number 7 as there are no emergency items.
Without objection, the April 8, 2024 agenda is approved.
6.    GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT: (*Action will NOT be taken no matters considered during this period until specifically included on an agenda as an action item.)

Helen Schneider says the CGC dog test is this Wednesday at 6 pm by the pool. Anyone wanting to get their dog tested should come on over.

Chair Shewalter thanks her for her comments.

Frank Maurizio spoke about a possible broadcasting program for various groups in the community. He mentioned he will revisit the subject with more information at a later date.

Dr. Christopher Salute stated that he has been working with Director Anderson to set up informational tables at the college with what the library has to offer and he want to up a QR code by the little free library that directs to the library.

Michelle Beecher says she has been working with Children’s Head Wogee to start the process of getting education students practicum credit for tutoring at the library.

7.    For Possible Action: Emergency Items
Item 7 is struck as there are no emergency items.
8.    For Possible Action: Discussion and deliberation to approve or amend and approve the meeting minutes for March 11, 2024
Vice Chair Runion makes a motion to approve. Trustee Morris seconds. 
There is no public comment.
Secretary Green says she has no comments other than she enjoyed doing the minutes and is sorry it is being taken away from her.
Chair Shewalter thanks her for her comments.
Trustee Morris has no comments.
Trustee Mounts has no comments.
Vice Chair Runion has no comments.
Chair Shewalter comments that Secretary Green did a great job on the minutes.
Chair Shewalter calls the question. The measure passes 5-0.
9.    Presentation: Librarian’s Report by Vanja Anderson for discussion of monthly expenditures and revenue for March 2024.
Director Anderson gives her monthly expenditure review beginning on page 12. See backup copy.
Director Anderson gives cumulative expenditure review for all expenses expected this fiscal year beginning on page 13. See backup copy.
Director Anderson gives review of revenues beginning on page 14. See backup copy.
Director Anderson asks if there are any questions.
Secretary Green has no questions.
Trustee Morris has no questions.
Trustee Mounts has no questions.
Vice Chair Runion has no questions.
Chair Shewalter asks on page 12 what was $523 spent on for training. Director Anderson responds that when Andrew Karneges was still employed at the library, he wanted to renew his ALA membership and the library reimburses for that as it is considered professional development. Chair Shewalter asks Director Anderson to find where in library employee policy this is an acceptable reimbursement.
Chair Shewalter asks for clarification on the accumulative February totals on page 13 being the same as March. Director Anderson responds she probably made an error on February and the March number is correct but she will check. Chair Shewalter asks for clarification on the current accumulative building expenses.  Director Anderson says the numbers are from after the invoice is paid and check sent so it won’t show numbers from the current month. The current are only from this month’s invoices on this month’s voucher. Director Anderson states that she had previously been told to add the current amount to the YTD and had been told not to do that anymore so the numbers would match. Chair Shewalter says the numbers should match and not due to manipulation of the report. Director Anderson says it is not manipulation and just hasn’t been paid yet because it is on the current month’s voucher.
There are no further questions.
10.    For Possible Action: Discussion and deliberation to approve or amend and approve payment vouchers for March 2024 through April 2024.
Secretary Green makes a motion to approve. Trustee Morris seconds. 
There is no public comment.
Secretary Green has no comments.
Trustee Morris has no comments.
Trustee Mounts has no comments.
Vice Chair Runion has no comments.
Chair Shewalter and Trustee Morris had a discussion about the JonAire invoices and it was decided to hold off on the payment until the matter is looked into further.
Chair Shewalter asked for the second and the motion to be withdrawn. The motion and the second were withdrawn.
Chair Shewalter made a motion to amend and approve to remove the JonAire estimate and more information will be provided to the board in the next meeting.
Secretary Green seconded the motion.
There is no public comment.
Secretary Green has no comments.
Trustee Morris has no comments.
Trustee Mounts wanted to clarify that just JonAire was going to be stricken from the voucher.
Vice Chair Runion has no comments.
Chair Shewalter calls the question. The measure passes 5-0.
11.    Presentation: Librarian’s Report for discussion on library activity for March 2024.
Director Anderson gave her librarian’s report. She spoke about adult craft class, patron issues, HVAC issues, and that Patti Dwyer had resigned.
Children’s Head Wogee read off the monthly library statistics.
Secretary Green says she would like to volunteer to read in classrooms next year for Nevada Reading Week.
Chair Shewalter asks about Kim and Kraven changing the passwords for library email and whether Chris Marini was aware of password changes. Director Anderson states that Chris has an admin password. Chair Shewalter asks whether it is logical for IT to have this access and Mike Runion states that this is standard.
Chair Shewalter asks for clarification on the patron that was watching inappropriate content and how many times he was warned before he was asked to not use the public computers.
12.    For Possible Action: Discussion and deliberation to review the Tentative Budget for fiscal year 2024-2025 for the Pahrump Community Library District.
Daniel MacArthur passed out copies of the tentative budget. He reviewed the letter of understanding that he serves as the auditor for the Pahrump Community Library. He had the board chair and library director sign the letter. He stated the tentative budget is filed by April 15 and the budget hearing is to be by the end of the month in May. He reviewed the tentative budget and the public hearing date is May 20, 2024 at 10:00am and it can be changed if needed. The board agree the date will stand as May 20, 2024.
There is no public comment.
13.    For Possible Action: Discussion and deliberation to appoint Trustee Michael Runion to act as IT Liaison.
Chair Shewalter makes a motion to appoint Trustee Michael Runion as IT Liaison.
Trustee Mounts seconds the motion.
There is no public comment.
Secretary Green has no comment.
Trustee Morris has no comment.
Trustee Mounts has no comment.
Chair Shewalter asks Vice Chair Runion whether he has any questions and whether he will accept the appointment. Vice Chair Runion says he has no questions and will accept.
Chair Shewalter calls the question.
The measure passes 4-0 with one abstention from Vice Chair Runion.
14.    For Possible Action: Discussion and deliberation to appoint Trustee Michael Runion to create the Scope of Work (SOW) for the floor replacement project.
Chair Shewalter makes a motion to appoint Trustee Michael Runion to create the Scope of Work for the floor replacement project.
Secretary Green seconds the motion.
There is no public comment.
Secretary Green has no comment.
Trustee Morris asks Vice Chair Runion about his background in this type of work. Vice Chair Runion says he is a PMP certified project manager, has experience in project management with the federal government, and writing a SOW is not outside his purview.
Trustee Mounts comments that Vice Chair Runion will be very busy.
Chair Shewalter asks Vice Chair Runion if he has any comments and if he will take the project. Vice Chair Runion has no comments and says he will take the project.
Chair Shewalter calls the question.
The measure passes 4-0 with one abstention from Vice Chair Runion.
15.    For Possible Action: Discussion and deliberation to approve, amend and approve or reject (1) an hourly rate increase for Barbara Ferido from $21.03 to $21.54 per hour; and (2) set the date of increase to begin no sooner than April 9, 2024.
Chair Shewalter makes a motion to (1) approve an hourly rate increase for Barbara Ferido from $21.03 to $21.54 per hour and (2) set the date of increase to begin no sooner than April 9, 2024.
Senior Deputy District Attorney Michelle Nelson wants to set an actual date. The increase is set to begin no sooner than April 9 but could begin on April 9.
Chair Shewalter makes a motion to (1) approve an hourly rate increase for Barbara Ferido from $21.03 to $21.54 per hour and (2) set the date of increase to begin April 9, 2024.
Trustee Morris seconds.
There is no public comment.
Trustee Green has no comment.
Trustee Morris has no comment.
Trustee Mounts asks who Barbara is. Chair Shewalter responds that Barbara is the circulation desk supervisor.
Vice Chair Runion has no comment.
Chair Shewalter comments that this increase is in line with the other management salary increases. Barbara’s salary was not addressed at the time and Director Anderson had asked it be looked into.
Chair Shewalter calls the question. 
The measure passes 5-0.
16.    For Possible Action: Discussion and deliberation to increase the employee education reimbursement from $250.00 per three credit class to $350.00 per credit.
Trustee Mounts asks to clarify whether this is agree or not agree, or if changes can be made. Chair Shewalter says the way the item is written, it is agree or not agree.
Secretary Green asks when was the last time the employee education reimbursement was changed. Director Anderson says it was November 9, 2020.
Secretary Green asks what the amount was. Director Anderson says it was $150 per credit or $450 per 3 credit course.
Director Anderson says she included information in the backup on what the average is nationwide.
Chair Shewalter reads the minutes from the November 9, 2020 meeting. He says he got it from the website and there was no agenda attached. The approval was for $150 per credit. He reads from library policy which states that the reimbursement is set at $250 total per 3 credit hour class.
Secretary Green says she has done research on library programs in the western states. She reads some tuition rates and states tuition has gone up. 
Chair Shewalter asks Children’s Head Wogee about her PhD program and tuition. 
Secretary Green says educational reimbursement is in line with what other library districts do and she thinks it will help attract and retain good people.
Secretary Green Makes a motion to increase the employee education reimbursement from $250.00 per three credit class to $350.00 per credit. There is no second and the motion fails.
Chair Shewalter opens for public comment. 
Commissioner Carbone says he is confused and would like to let this die and move on to the next item.
Senior Deputy District Attorney Michelle Nelson when the minutes were approved, when the board action took place, and when the policy manual was approved.
Director Anderson says the last time the board made changes to the policy was before the change.
Ginny Okawa says she agrees with Commissioner Carbone and is confused.
Jane Goodrow says who cares about the past and let’s fix it in the present and write a new agenda item.
There is no further comment and the item is closed.
17.    For Possible Action: Discussion and deliberation to approve, amend and approve or reject (1) estimate #33668179 by JonAire, Inc to find and repair leak in the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (“HVAC/R”) on RTU #3 Circuit 1 in the amount of $1753; and (2) fund from the general fund.
Vice Chair Runion makes a motion to approve (1) estimate #33668179 by JonAire, Inc to find and repair leak in the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (“HVAC/R”) on RTU #3 Circuit 1 in the amount of $1753; and (2) fund from the general fund.
Trustee Mounts seconds the motion.
There is no public comment.
Secretary Green has no comment.
Trustee Morris says he would like to be able to track the units better via the reports that are somewhat incomplete.
Trustee Mounts says she agrees with Trustee Morris.
Vice Chair Runion has no comment.
Chair Shewalter says Trustee Morris has a background in HVAC, he also agrees with Trustee Morris.
Chair Shewalter calls the question.
The measure fails 5-0.
18.    For Possible Action: Discussion and deliberation to approve, amend and approve or reject (1) a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (“HVAC”) system maintenance service agreement with JonAire, Inc.; (2) Execute the Agreement; and (3) fund from the general fund.
Trustee Morris makes a motion to reject a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (“HVAC”) system maintenance service agreement with JonAire, Inc.
Secretary Green seconds the motion.
Ginny Okawa says she wants to thank Trustee Morris for being on top of this and ensuring they report timely.
John Pawlak says he wants to suggest that the library personnel responsible for maintaining the HVAC units return them to control to what it was prior to changing HVAC contractors. He says the HVAC runs 24/7 but in the past after hours the fans would be off and heating and cooling not running and it would save the library money to go back to the old way.
Jane Goodrow says she wants to know if we have looked at other companies and how we got to JonAire.
There is no additional public comment.
Secretary Green has no comment.
Trustee Morris has no comment. 
Trustee Mounts has no comment.
Vice Chair Runion has no comment.
Chair Shewalter answers Jane Goodrow’s question and says the previous contractor’s contact expired last year and it was put out for bid and JonAire was selected. Now the maintenance contract is up for renewal and that is what this item is about. 
Trustee Morris says he wants to rewrite the service contract and let JonAire know what we need to know.
The measure is rejected 5-0.
19.    Trustee/Director/Liaison Comments: This item is limited to announcements or topics/issues proposed for future workshops, committees, and agendas.
Director Anderson says the education reimbursement needs to be put on the agenda for next month. She still has not received the signed voucher. The voucher is passed around for signature.
Secretary Green wants to thank the chair for the pleasant nonconfrontational meetings the last 4 months.
Trustee Morris has no comment.
Trustee Mounts says she has been sick and has not had time to work on the dog program and is getting back to work on it.
Vice Chair Runion says he is excited if we can get the agenda item for the radio program. Chair Shewalter asks for clarification on what is being proposed. Vice Chair Runion says Frank wants to teach broadcasting including the hosting and engineering portions and broadcast a show from the library. 
20.    Adjournment
The meeting adjourns at 12:16.



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