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Pahrump Community Library
The Information, Education, One-Stop Mind Station!

PCL Meeting Room Policy

 Meeting Room Use Policy

The community meeting rooms provided by the Pahrump Community Library are for library-sponsored programs, for carrying out the mission and goals of the Library, and for use by other governmental agencies. When a library or other governmental agency is not using these meeting rooms, they are available for use by the public. The Pahrump Community Library is an institution dedicated to free expression of, and access to, ideas representing all points of view. Accordingly, subject to all applicable laws and library policies, the Library’s meeting rooms are available for the lawful activities of all individuals or groups. The Library does not endorse the views expressed by any group using the meeting rooms, but does endorse the right of those groups to express their views as long as they abide by the policies and rules governing the use of the Library meeting room. Permission to use library facilities, in and of itself, does not constitute an endorsement or sponsorship by the Library or the Library Board of Trustees. 
In publicizing a meeting to be held in a library meeting room, the sponsoring group must be clearly identified. Groups must not imply library sponsorship of their program or organization, or include the library’s contact information in the publicity. 

Meeting rooms in the library will be available to the public on an equitable basis for lawful purposes, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use. 

Priority for use
Meeting rooms available for public use shall be on a first-requested, first-scheduled basis within these priority guidelines, in descending order:
1.    Library-sponsored programs.
2.    Non-profit public service or special interest groups such as clubs or social services support groups.
3.    Pahrump Town and other governmental meetings that are open to the public.
4.    Profit-making groups (with the proviso that nothing will be sold on the premises).

Regulations and Procedures

Reservations may be taken up to twelve (12) months in advance. All library-sponsored and meetings/programs take first priority on all meeting room schedules. Community non-profit public service or special interest groups such as clubs or social services support groups may hold a standing reservation for up to 12 months. The library reserves the right to reschedule an existing reservation.

A group may schedule a meeting room for up to two sessions per month. A session is one (1) hour minimum and four (4) hours maximum.

Meeting rooms are available and may be scheduled and used during normal library operating hours. On occasion, with approval, meeting rooms may be scheduled outside normal library operating hours for an additional fee of $50/hour or any part thereof and will be collected at the time the reservation is made. 

The library does not charge for the use of the meeting room; however, a refundable deposit of $50 is required from all users. If a reserved room is not used and/or not cancelled one week before the reservation date (“no-show”) the $50 deposit will be forfeited. In the case of “standing reservations”, two (2) no-shows will result in forfeiture of deposit AND cancellation of all remaining reservations.  Activities that create substantial risk of damage to or destruction of library property are prohibited in the library meeting rooms. Meeting rooms must be left in a clean and orderly condition. Groups will pay the cost for repair of any damages to facilities or equipment for which the group is responsible. Profit making groups will be charged $50 per session in addition to a $50 deposit. The library will not be responsible for materials or equipment left in the building by groups.  All programs and meetings must be free and open to the public. Meeting room users, groups, and individuals may not charge or solicit fees, dues, or donations as a condition of attending any meeting or program.

Groups and individuals using the meeting room may not disrupt the use of the library by others. Persons attending meetings or programs are subject to all applicable library and county policies. Pahrump Community Library reserves the right to revoke meeting room privileges when policies or procedures are not followed. Print copies of library policies are available upon request or on our website.

Food and non-alcoholic beverages may be served upon the approval of the director or his/her designee. Alcoholic beverages may not be served.

Pursuant to library policy, no child aged ten or under may be left unattended elsewhere in the library while a parent or guardian attends a meeting or program in the meeting room. Library staff cannot assume liability for children who are left unattended.

“For-profit groups” must provide proof of liability insurance.  The Library Director and/or Board of Trustees reserve the right to request proof of liability insurance from any group, regardless of size or non-profit status. 


I, the undersigned, have read the entire foregoing document and agree to abide by it. I understand that if the reserved room is not used and/or not cancelled one week before the reservation date the $50 deposit will be forfeited. 

________________________________        __________________________________
Signature                                                         Date/Time room wanted

________________________________      ___________________________________
Name (please print)                                       Affiliation/Group Name


________________________________      ___________________________________
Library representative                                     Date

Adopted by the Pahrump Community Library Board of Trustees 5/21/15  10/9/17, 3/12,18,3/8/21

Study Room Bookings

Please call the Reference Desk at 775-727-5930 ex 2 to book the study rooms. After hours, please leave a message with your phone number and we will call back the next business day. Thank you!