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Pahrump Community Library
The Information, Education, One-Stop Mind Station!

Library Board Minutes 08/10/20

Pahrump Community Library District
Doris Shirkey, Founder
701 East Street, Pahrump, NV 89048
Board of Trustees Regular Meeting August 10, 2020

Meeting was called to order at 11:01 am. Pledge was said. Present were Joy Marshall, William Zimmerman, Bill Newyear, Janice Painter, and Susan Wonderly.  Guests present were Amy Bruno, Alysha Wogee, John Koenig. (Marie Long and Shanna Gibbons Zoom)

Approval of Agenda/Consent of agenda: Chris Zimmerman asked that the agenda be approved. Bill Newyear made a motion to accept the agenda: Janice Painter, seconded and the motion carried. 

Public Comment: None.

Approval of Minutes of 07/14/20 meeting: The meeting minutes were approved. Joy Marshall made a motion to accept the minutes of the previous meeting; Marie Long seconded and the motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: (attached) Susan noted that the current report is attached and it was reviewed. 

Vouchers were signed by board members present and the others will sign today.

Librarian’s report: Susan discussed the Librarian’s Report (attached). Susan went over the topics: Student Hotspots, Stats, Online Programing, Rail Road Display, and bats.

 Families First Coronavirus Sick Leave Policy: Susan went over the outline (attached). Chris made a motion to accept the motion as written, with it being subject to change. Bill seconded the motion and the motion carried. It will be reviewed at the next board meeting and possibly updated.

Phase One Two Library Opening: Susan discussed the current hours of operation and the average amount of people coming in a day and feels that we are in the normal spectrum of hours of operation compared to other nearby libraries. The board agreed to see the number of COVID-19 cases drop before we expand our open hours and services. Bill made a motion to keep the hours and services the same until September’s board meeting and we can review then. Janice seconded the motion and the motion carried.

Roof:  Susan explained that she followed up with the roof and that it has a lifetime guarantee. She stated she knows that some of the tiles are cracked. She stated that there was a 4 month wait time to repair, due to scheduling issues and the roofers being backed up.

Trustee Manual: Chris Zimmerman suggested that we discuss any questions or concerns of the manual after everyone has received and read the manual.

Susan Wonderly: She asked if the planning of the future Phases could be put on the next agenda.  (Possible action items) 

Susan Wonderly: She suggested that the next board meeting should be on a Monday, August 10, at 11 a.m. 

2nd Public Comment: None. 
Adjournment: Janice Painter made a motion to adjourn the meeting, and Bill Newyear seconded, and the motion carried.  Meeting adjourned at 11:00 

Submitted by Joy Marshall