Responsibilities and Authorities of the Library Board
Refer to Chapter 379 of the Nevada Statutes (particularly section 379.025), the Handbook for Trustees of Nevada Public Libraries, and individual library bylaws to provide basis and framework for the responsibilities and authority of the library board and individual Trustee.
This organization shall be called the “Pahrump Library District Board of Trustees” existing by virtue of the provisions of Chapter 379 of the Nevada Revised Statues, and exercising the powers and duties delegated to it under the Statue. The Board shall consist of five (5) members appointed by the Nye County Board of Commissioners to serve terms of four years and not to exceed two (2) consecutive terms.
Set Policies
Hire and evaluate the director
Plan for the future of the Library
Submit budgets and monitor finances
Monitor an evaluate the overall effectiveness of the Library
Advocate for the library in the community
Officers of the board shall be a chairperson, vice-chairperson, secretary, and treasurer elected from among the appointed trustees, each of whom will serve a term of two (2) years. Elections will be held in March of even years or as needed. Officers shall carry out the duties and responsibilities of their office.
Regular meeting shall be held on the second Monday of each month at 10:00 A.M. in the Pahrump Community Library or such other times and place as the Board may determine. Any member of the Board missing three (3) consecutive meetings without cause may be relieved of their appointment.
Special meetings may be held at any time at the call of the chairperson, vice-chairperson, or at the call of any two members of the Board, provided that notice thereof be given to all members in advance of the meeting in accordance with the Nevada open meeting law.
The order of business at all regular meetings shall be as follows:
Call to order
Approve agenda
Secretary’s report - Approve minutes of previous meeting
Treasurer’s report
Librarian’s report
Committee report
Unfinished business
New business
Robert Rules of order shall govern proceedings of all meetings.
Adopted by the Pahrump Community Library Board of Trustees 12/11/00, 04/09/0111/10/14