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Pahrump Community Library
The Information, Education, One-Stop Mind Station!

Library Board Minutes-2/12/18

Pahrump Community Library District
Doris Shirkey, Founder
701 East Street, Pahrump, NV 89048
Board of Trustees Regular Meeting February 12, 2018

Meeting called to order at 10:05am. Present were Marie Long, Joy Marshall, Bobby Edwards, and Susan Wonderly.  Guests present were Amy Bruno, Alysha Wogee, Mandy Cafeo, and Dennis Silverwolf. 

Public comment:  None

Consent Agenda: Adoption of Agenda/Consent of agenda: Bobby made a motion to accept the agenda; Joy seconded and the motion carried. 
Acceptance of minutes of 1/08/18 meeting: Joy made a motion to accept the minutes of the previous meeting as written; Bobby seconded and the motion carried. 

Treasurer’s Report: (attached) Susan presented the report. She asked a Board member to sign the 2nd Quarterly Report for the Department of Taxation as chairperson; it is due shortly and Carlton is unavailable due to medical reasons. Marie signed it. Bob made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report; Joy seconded and the motion carried.  


Dennis Silverwolf: As a Maintenance Dept. employee of the Library, Mr. Silverwolf presented some concerns about cleaning issues in the building. He discussed his cleaning schedule and explained his solution to various problems, i.e. bad smells in the public restrooms. 

Thin Client Computer Terminals FY 17-18: Information attached. The final decisions have been made; Chris Marini (Network Savants) and Amy have decided to purchase the new thin client boxes from 10Zig. New monitors, lock boxes, and mice will be also needed, as well as licensing for Microsoft and filtering software for the children’s computers. The estimate (attached) is approximately $15,000. Amy explained some of the features of the new systems and Joy suggested having an “open house” to present the upgraded public computers to our patrons. Bob made a motion for Amy and Susan to proceed with the purchase of new thin client items as listed, with a budget not to exceed $16,000; Joy seconded and the motion carried.

E-Rate: Susan briefly explained that she is applying for the E-Rate, due to her understanding that Valley Electric will be discontinuing our free Internet sometime this year; the E-Rate will help offset the cost of keeping our system as it is now. The cost will be approximately $1500/month and the E-Rate will pay approximately $1200/month, leaving the balance of $300/month for the Library to pay. No action is required at this time.

Calendar update: The next regular meeting will be held Monday March 12, 2018 @ 10:00am. 

Librarian’s Report:  (attached).  Susan briefly outlined her Librarian’s report. 

Stats attached. 
Vouchers signed. 

Public Comment: Amy and Alysha spoke briefly about the upcoming Summer Reading Program, the theme of which is “Libraries Rock!” They are excited that the theme can extend not only to music but to actual rocks and they are planning programs that will allow kids to learn more about rocks and rock collecting.
Bob made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Joy seconded, and the motion carried.  Meeting adjourned at 11:09am.

Submitted by:
Susan Wonderly