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Pahrump Community Library
The Information, Education, One-Stop Mind Station!

Library Board Minutes 03/08/2021

Pahrump Community Library District
Doris Shirkey, Founder
701 East Street
Pahrump, Nevada  89048
Board of Trustees Regular Meeting March 8, 2021

Meeting was called to order at 10:00a.m. Pledge was said. Present were Chris Zimmerman (Zoom), Susan Wonderly, Janice Painter, Joy Marshall and Bill Newyear. Guests present were Amy Bruno, Shanna Gibbons, Alysha Wogee, Julie Butland, and Leo Blundo.

Approval of Agenda/Consent of agenda: (Approved by Chris Zimmerman) Bill Newyear was the first to approve the Agenda as written and Joy Marshall seconded the motion and the motion carried.

Public Comment: None.

Approval of Minutes from 2/08/21 meeting: Joy Marshall made a motion to accept the minutes of the previous meeting; Bill Newyear seconded and the motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: (attached) Susan noted that the current report is attached and it was reviewed. 

Vouchers were signed by board members that were present. Janice Painter made a motion to accept the signing of the vouchers; Bill Newyear seconded and the motion carried.

Librarian’s report: Susan discussed the Librarian’s Report (attached). Susan let the board know that we are eligible for the COVID vaccine.

Leo Blundo: He asked if we were having trouble getting the vaccine and that he is trying to get the vaccine to all County employees. 

Emergency Items: None.

Review of Current Hours and Services: Amy Bruno asked to extend the time limit to 1.5 hours of library use per patron, per day, as needed to allow people to do taxes and other important things on the computers. The board agreed it was a good idea.

Resolution 2021 Pahrump Bookmobile Fund: See attached. Susan went over that the projected plan for the bookmobile and we will end up having a total of four funds. She stated that this new fund would be used to fund the bookmobile each year. Joy Marshall made motion to accept the resolution and Janice Painter seconded the motion, and the motion carried. The resolution was signed by Joy Marshall and notarized by Julie Butland.

Approval of the FY 2022 Budget Line Items: See attached. The board agreed that adjustments can be made later if needed.

Presentation of Userful – Public Computing Service: See attached. Amy Bruno went over the presentation of the Userful information. The cost, savings, and services were discussed. A motion to purchase and rollout Userful was made by Bill Newyear; and Janice Painter seconded the motion and the motion carried.

Susan Wonderly and Chris Zimmerman wanted it noted that Userful will be funded by Capital Projects.

Annual Review and Update of library policy “Reference Policy”: See attached. Joy Marshall made a motion to change the policy as written and William Newyear seconded the motion and the motion carried. Bill Newyear asked why the sentence was taken out and he was told because we do not have computer classes at the library anymore. 

Annual Review of library policy “Meeting Room Use Policy”: See Attached. Bill Newyear made a motion to accept the policy as written, Janice Painter seconded the motion and the motion carried. Bill asked if the specific hours could be taken out. Bill Newyear made a motion to amend the policy with the change and Joy Marshall seconded it and the motion carried.

Annual Review of library policy “Library Internet Policy and User Agreement Form”: See Attached. Bill Newyear made a motion to accept the motion and Joy Marshall seconded the motion and the motion carried.

Annual Review of Library policy “Public Notice Bulletin Board Policy”: See attached. Janice Painter made a motion to accept the changes, and Joy Marshall seconded the motion and the motion carried.

Annual Review of “Political Activity in the Library Facilities Policy”: See attached. Chris Zimmerman asked to table the item and he is still waiting to hear back from the District Attorney to get a better understanding of the policy. Bill Newyear made a motion to accept, and Janice Painter seconded the motion and the motion carried.

Board Member/Director Comments: Susan Wonderly stated the next Board Meeting will be April 12, 2021 @ 10:00am and the third week of May will be the Budget Hearing.

2nd Public Comment: None.

Adjournment: Janice Painter made a motion to adjourn the meeting, and Joy Marshall seconded, and the motion carried.  Meeting adjourned at 11:21am. 
Submitted by Joy Marshall