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Pahrump Community Library
The Information, Education, One-Stop Mind Station!

Library Board Minutes - 5/11/20

Pahrump Community Library District
Doris Shirkey, Founder
701 East Street, Pahrump, NV 89048
Board of Trustees Regular Meeting May 11, 2020

Meeting was called to order at 10:11am. Pledge was said. Present were Marie Long (from home via Zoom), Joy Marshall, Janice Painter, William Zimmerman (from home via Zoom), Bill Newyear (from home via Zoom), and Susan Wonderly.  Guests present were Amy Bruno, Shanna Gibbons, John Pawlak, Tammy Westergard, and Alysha Wogee.

Approval of Agenda/Consent of agenda: William Zimmerman asked that the agenda be approved. Joy Marshall made a motion to accept the agenda: Bill Newyear seconded and the motion carried. 

Public Comment: None.

Approval of minutes of 04/10/20 meeting: The meeting minutes were approved with a correction needed, striking out a repeated section of duplicate information. Bill made a motion to accept the minutes of the previous meeting with the correction; Joy seconded and the motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: (attached) Susan noted that the current report is attached and it was reviewed. The tentative budget was approved for being in compliance.

Vouchers were signed.

Librarian’s report: Susan discussed the curbside checkout and how Joanie has done a great job in handling it and that we have done it three times so far. She explained the books have already been put on hold by the patrons before the closure or have used the website to do so. The first pick up was April 21st. 
William Zimmerman: He asked about advertising it and Susan explained that we will and this was just a test run.
Susan Wonderly: She stated that the website was down for a few days, but that it was up and working now. She also informed the board of the weekly meetings with the State Librarians and how they have been helpful. Sneeze guards, face shields, gloves along with frequent cleaning are part of the plan and that the plexiglass should arrive soon. She stated that we are having a hard time finding hand sanitizer and that Genuine Pest Control is still coming out to check on the building every week. Susan explained that there are still delays with D.P. Air and getting the new copiers. She also let everyone know that we are still working in shifts and social distancing. 
William Zimmerman: He asked about the effects of having to wait on D.P. Air.
Susan Wonderly: She explained it was to update, and the system and it isn’t broken it’s just being updated.
William Zimmerman: He asked if the overdue items was decreasing and Susan said they were still coming in through the drop box.

Reopening the Library: (see attached)
Susan Wonderly: She went over our reopening plan and the necessary steps we will have to take. The board and Susan went over some additional ideas which included taping the floor with directional arrows, handing out fliers with the summary of the reopening guidelines as patrons enter the building, newspaper ads, and how to best keep the flow of the library moving.
William Zimmerman: He asked about a date to reopen.
Tammy Westergad: She stated that the state has no authority to choose a date, but the library community is coming together for plans and ideas and that we are all coming together and communication is key.
William Zimmerman: Asked if the hours will be adjusted or extended and what action will be needed from the board.
Susan Wonderly: She stated that June 1st is the idea now, but we need to see how phase I goes first. She said she will contact the board as needed to keep everyone updated on any changes.

William Zimmerman and Bill Newyear both offered to come in the first day of reopening to help out if needed.
There was a discussion about the max occupancy and how we would have to figure out the used square footage and get a correct number.
William Zimmerman: He asked for an updated version at the budget meeting on May 21st.
Susan stated that there will be a separate meeting after the budget hearing.

Susan Wonderly suggested we table the presentation and discussion of the Nevada Public Trustee Manual until a later date when everyone can sit at the table together and go over it together, since it was informational only. The board agreed.
William Newyear stated that he was having a hard time with one of the sections on the training and Tammy Westergard would look it up for him.

Discussion and Deliberation of the fiscal year 2020-2021
Susan Wonderly went over the budget (attached). The budget will have a carryover 
William Zimmerman: Stated that he had no issues and the budget is in a good position.
Susan Wonderly: Stated that she will set up a zoom link for the next meeting and will put it in the paper or refer people to the website.

Bill Newyear: He asked to be addressed as Bill instead of William for meeting minutes.

Board Members/Directors Comments: None

Tammy Westergard: She answered the question about the Library Trustee training question that Bill was having trouble with.

2nd Public Comment: None

Adjournment: Janice Painter made a motion to adjourn the meeting, and Joy Marshall seconded, and the motion carried.  Meeting adjourned at 11:35am.

Submitted by:

Joy Marshall


Study Room Bookings

Please call the Reference Desk at 775-727-5930 ex 2 to book the study rooms. After hours, please leave a message with your phone number and we will call back the next business day. Thank you!