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Pahrump Community Library
The Information, Education, One-Stop Mind Station!

Library Board Minutes for May 13, 2024

Pahrump Community Library

Minutes of the May 13, 2024 Board Meeting


1.     Call to Order


Meeting called to order at 10:32 am.

2.     Members Roll Call


In Attendance: Secretary Kelly Green, Trustee Matthew Morris, Trustee Dee Mounts, Chair Shewalter, Senior Deputy District Attorney Michelle Nelson, Director Vanja Anderson, Children’s Head Alysha Wogee, Commissioner Frank Carbone


Not Present: Vice Chair Michael Runion


3.     Pledge of Allegiance

Brian Jacobs led the invocation and Trustee Mounts led the Pledge of Allegiance prior to the Call to Order.

4.     Trustee/Director/Liaison Comments: - This item is limited to announcements or topics/issues proposed for future workshops, committees and agendas.

Commissioner Carbone says he would like to thank the library staff and volunteers that came to the luncheon.

Director Anderson has no comments.

Secretary Green has no comments.

Trustee Morris says he would like to thank the pastor for the invocation.

Trustee Mounts says Pebbles is in hospice care with cancer and has a week or two left.

Chair Shewalter thanks her for her comments and says he is sorry to hear about Pebbles and Pebbles will be missed.

With no further comment, item 4 is closed.

5.     Approval of May 13, 2024 Agenda (Non-action item)

Chair Shewalter moves to strike item number 7 as there are no emergency items.

Without objection, the May 13, 2024 agenda is approved.


6.     GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT: * (Action will NOT be taken on matters considered during this period until specifically included on an agenda as an action item.)

Robin Niedecker says she would like to thank Shanna and Kim for the opportunity to showcase the works of local writers and poets in the reference area display case. Poets and Writers meet on the third Thursday of the month at 2 pm and new members are always welcome as long as they are over the age of 18.

Chair Shewalter thanks her for her comments.

Jenny Okawa says she is sorry about Pebbles. She would like to request that Zoom meetings are reinstated. She got out of the hospital and it would be nice to be able to watch from home. Other people would have liked to attend and couldn’t for various reasons and she would like meetings on Zoom again.

Chair Shewalter thanks her for her comments.

Karen Waldman says she wants to comment on an agenda item. Chair Shewalter says she can wait until that item is open for public comment and comment then.

With no further comment, item 6 is closed.

7.     For Possible Action: Emergency Items

Item 7 is struck as there are no emergency items.

8.     For Possible Action: Discussion and deliberation to approve or amend and approve the meeting minutes for April 8, 2024.

Trustee Mounts makes a motion to approve the meeting minutes for April 8, 2024.

Secretary Green seconds the motion.

There is no public comment.

Secretary Green has no comments.

Trustee Morris has no comments.

Trustee Mounts has no comments.

Chair Shewalter has no comments.

Chair Shewalter calls the question to approve. The measure passes 4-0 with one absent.

9.     Presentation: Treasurer’s Report by Vanja Anderson for discussion of monthly expenditures and revenue for April 2024.

Director Anderson reads her report as found in the backup. Chair Shewalter asks about a small highlighted box on page 14, and whether it indicates a problem. Director Anderson says there is no problem; she just thought it was important because it shows how much is left in the budget.

Trustee Mounts asks about the advertising budget line on page 15, why does the amount increase each month and what are we advertising? Director Anderson says we advertise in the paper and pay for it and that the monthly totals are cumulative.

Chair Shewalter asks to clarify the revenue minus expenses and percentage.

The board has no further questions.

Chair Shewalter skips item 10 for now and moves on to item 11.

11.  Presentation: Librarian’s Report by Vanja Anderson, Shanna Gibbons and Alysha Wogee for discussion on library activity for April 2024. Report activities include patron traffic, books checked out, books returned, fees collected, online story time, STEAM, internet use, website usage and materials added.

Director Anderson from reads her report as found in the backup, including programs, statistics for meeting room usage, and that Tony has replaced Patti in circ.

Assistant Director Shanna Gibbons reads from her report as found in the backup the statistics of materials and library usage and adult programming.

Children’s Head Alysha Wogee reads from her report as found in the backup including statistics for children’s and youth programs, noting that the numbers can fluctuate based on other local events.

12.  For Possible Action: Discussion and deliberation to approve, amend and approve or reject the Engagement Agreement with Daniel C. McArthur, LTD relating to budget preparation for the Pahrump Community Library District for the year ending June 30, 2025; and (2) Execute the Engagement Agreement.

Chair Shewalter makes a motion to approve the Engagement Agreement with Daniel C. McArthur, LTD relating to budget preparation for the Pahrump Community Library District for the year ending June 30, 2025; and (2) Execute the Engagement Agreement.

Trustee Mounts seconds the motion.

There is no public comment

Secretary Green has no comments.

Trustee Morris has no comments.

Trustee Mounts has no comments.

Chair Shewalter has no comments.

Chair Shewalter calls the question. The measure passes 4-0 with one absent.

13.  For Possible Action:  Discussion and deliberation to 1) conduct the annual review and evaluate the character, alleged misconduct, and professional competence of the Pahrump Community Library Director, Vanja Anderson, in relation to her duties and responsibilities as a Library Director as set forth in the Pahrump Community Library Personnel Policy Manual or as has been otherwise directed by the Board of Trustees; and 2) take administrative action against the Pahrump Community Library Director, Vanja Anderson, if the Board of Trustees determine such administrative action is warranted including but not limited to termination, a substandard performance appraisal, dismissal, suspension, demotion, reduction in pay, verbal or written reprimand, retention, or no action.

Senior Deputy District Attorney Michelle Nelson says she would like the minutes to reflect that Director Anderson was served with notice of the meeting pursuant to NRS 241.033 and 241.034 and would like that the notice with the proof of service be attached to the minutes.

Chair Shewalter makes a motion to continue this item to next month. He believes all trustees should be in attendance when the board provides Director Anderson with her evaluation and Vice Chair Runion is absent.

Trustee Morris seconds the motion.

Candace Hunt says it troubles her that the item was put on the agenda and is being delayed 30 days. She asks why the trustee was unable to attend. Chair Shewalter says this time is for comments not questions. Ms. Hunt says she would like Zoom reinstated. Senior Deputy District Attorney Michelle Nelson says this item is for continuation of annual review and discussion of Zoom meetings is off the agenda.

There is no further public comment.

Secretary Green has no comment.

Trustee Morris has no comment.

Trustee Mounts says she thinks it is important to wait for all trustees to be in attendance.

Chair Shewalter calls the question. The measure passes 4-0 to continue.

Senior Deputy District Attorney Michelle Nelson asks the date of the next meeting the item is continued to. Chair Shewalter says the next board meeting is June 10, 2024 at 10 am.

14.  For Possible Action: Discussion and deliberation whether to assign the following duties to the Library Director: (1) generate minutes for all board meetings pursuant to NRS 241.035; (2)  provide itemized breakdown of monthly petty cash disbursements to be included in the monthly agenda backup for the Board; (3) provide a monthly safety/equipment checklist to be included in the monthly agenda backup for the Board; (4) create and obtain board approval for an employee exit interview checklist to be conducted with each employee that leaves the library; (5) Secure one additional staff member for Notary Public duties in Julie Butland’s absence. The employee shall receive reimbursement for obtaining a Notary Public license; and (6) set time limitation for completion.

Director Anderson says she has two questions. Chair Shewalter says that she has to wait for public comment since it’s an action item.

Chair Shewalter makes a motion to assign the following duties to the Library Director: (1) generate minutes for all board meetings pursuant to NRS 241.035; (2)  provide itemized breakdown of monthly petty cash disbursements to be included in the monthly agenda backup for the Board; (3) provide a monthly safety/equipment checklist to be included in the monthly agenda backup for the Board; (4) create and obtain board approval for an employee exit interview checklist to be conducted with each employee that leaves the library; (5) Secure one additional staff member for Notary Public duties in Julie Butland’s absence. The employee shall receive reimbursement for obtaining a Notary Public license; and (6) set time limitation for completion.

Senior Deputy District Attorney Michelle Nelson asks for an amendment to the motion as the time limitation needs to have a set date.

Chair Shewalter withdraws the motion. The item is not closed and is opened for public comment.

Director Anderson asks what is required for the monthly safety equipment checklist. She also asks if the employee getting a notary license will be receiving the same salary increase that Julie did. Chair Shewalter thanks her for her comment.

There is no more public comment.

There is board discussion over reimbursement and compensation for the notary.

There is board discussion over what would be a reasonable timeframe to require a new licensed notary, and whether 30 days would be long enough. Children’s Head Alysha Wogee says it took Julie about a month or so to get it.

Senior Deputy District Attorney Michelle Nelson says you have to take a class and pass a test and 30 days may not be enough time. Trustee Mounts says 60 days is okay.

Secretary Green asks Director Anderson how much time is reasonable to complete these items being assigned to her. Director Anderson says she can do most by the next meeting but needs clarification on the safety checklist.

Secretary Green asks whether the director herself must generate minutes or if can she delegate it. Chair Shewalter says she can delegate it but it is her responsibility to ensure it is done. The board has authority over the director and not the library staff.

Chair Shewalter says the safety checklist is to ensure all emergency equipment is functioning and checks are done by the time required. There was a box in the electrical room that was years past its inspection requirement. It impacts the library’s liability not to have done these things.

Chair Shewalter makes a motion to assign the following duties to the Library Director: (1) generate minutes for all board meetings pursuant to NRS 241.035; (2)  provide itemized breakdown of monthly petty cash disbursements to be included in the monthly agenda backup for the Board; (3) provide a monthly safety/equipment checklist to be included in the monthly agenda backup for the Board; (4) create and obtain board approval for an employee exit interview checklist to be conducted with each employee that leaves the library; (5) Secure one additional staff member for Notary Public duties in Julie Butland’s absence. The employee shall receive reimbursement for obtaining a Notary Public license; and (6) set time limitation for completion.

Chair Shewalter says the time limitation on the notary public will be 60 days and the other tasks will be June 10, 2024.

Senior Deputy District Attorney Michelle Nelson asks to clarify the timeline and whether that is 60 days from today’s date. Chair Shewalter says yes.

Trustee Morris seconds the motion.

Chair Shewalter opens for public comment.

Bruce Hoffrichter says when Industrial Lighting was here we paid an extra fee to check all electrical and boxes and asks why was it not done. Chair Shewalter responds that when they checked them what they found was that it had not been done.

Candace Hunt says she saw in the budget there was a line item for subscriptions and suggests joining an organization called International Facilities Management Association (IFMA) that provides standards for facilities management.

Stephanie Hashimura says she Googled it and becoming a notary public takes 3-4 weeks. She thinks 60 days is more than enough time.

Candace Hunt says she is a notary. Chair Shewalter says she can only speak once, but can always go directly to the director.

Senior Deputy District Attorney Michelle Nelson asks that the chair confirm with the director that she understands the tasks.

There is no more public comment.

Chair Shewalter asks Director Anderson if she has any questions. She says she does not.

There is no more board comment.

Chair Shewalter calls the question. The measure passes 4-0 with one absence.

15.  For Possible Action: Discussion and deliberation (1) regarding the status, implementation, logistics and Library policies for the June 6, 2024 field trip to Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge, (2) to approve, amend and approve, or reject the Interlocal Agreement for Bus Services for the Nye County School District to provide bus services for the Library’s June 6, 2024 field trip to Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge; and (3) Execute the Interlocal Agreement.

There is board discussion about the interlocal agreement for bus services for Nye County School District. Trustee Morris would like to know what the relationship is and why we have to execute a new agreement if there is one. Children’s Head Alysha Wogee says the agreement states we are allowed to use the Nye County school buses and use their proof of bus drivers.

Chair Shewalter asks whether we are paying them and what the fee is. Children’s Head Alysha Wogee responds that it is $300 and it is in the agreement.

Senior Deputy District Attorney Michelle Nelson says she would like to clarify that this is for a one time event on June 6 and not recurring.

Trustee Morris asks to clarify if we have to do this again. Children’s Head Alysha Wogee says that yes, we have to do this again if we have another field trip.

Trustee Mounts asks to clarify whether this is covered under our liability insurance and everything is good on bus side. Children’s Head Alysha Wogee says yes.

Secretary Green says she has no questions.

Chair Shewalter says legal has looked over the agreement, and everything was good there. He says he has concerns about the library’s risk and liability and asks what research has been done on risk and liability for the library and asks what risk assessment has been done.

Director Anderson asks for clarification.

Chair Shewalter asks what kind of issues were addressed such as child abuse training and whether risk management, insurance, and legal have been contacted about this.

Children’s Head Alysha Wogee says we have contacted insurance and done trainings and are working with Mike to get our trainings and certificates. She says she and some of her staff have been approved through the school district with child abuse training.

Chair Shewalter says he is a Little League coach and you have to do the training every year. The one from the school is not applicable to this.

Director Anderson says each legal parent/guardian is with their own child. Chair Shewalter asks whether they will also be around other children? Director Anderson says it is a group setting. Chair Shewalter asks yes or no if the parent will be around other children. Director Anderson says yes.

Chair Shewalter asks whether they have they completed the training. Director Anderson says the youth staff is going through the training right now.

Chair Shewalter says it needs to be everyone, all the parents and chaperones and asks whether they have completed the training. Director Anderson says as far as she is aware the parents have not. Chair Shewalter says the questions is have all of them completed the training yet. Director Anderson says the answer is no.

Chair Shewalter asks when they are scheduled to complete it and whether this will this be done by the 6th? Director Anderson says if we need to cancel we have a backup plan.

Children’s Head Alysha Wogee says she can’t speak for the parents but her staff will have completed it by then.

Chair Shewalter asks whether it is possible to make a motion for the interlocal agreement to be contingent on all the other legal aspects being taken care of.

Senior Deputy District Attorney Michelle Nelson says there is an option to amend and approve but the amendments need to be stated on the record. Any change of terms needs to go back to the school for review.

Chair Shewalter a motion to continue the item to May 20th so the director can consult with risk management, POOL PACT, and with legal on the risk and liability issues and have them addressed to ensure that we are not exposed to risk and liability, and that all participants have received child abuse training by May 20th and that without it this field trip will not proceed.

Senior Deputy District Attorney Michelle Nelson asks the chair to clarify who needs training. Chair Shewalter says staff, parents, chaperones, and any adult that is going to accompany the children need to complete the training by the 20th.

There is a motion by Chair Shewalter and a second by Trustee Morris.


Chair Shewalter opens for public comment.

Robin Niedecker says she thinks the time frame is unrealistic. She has been in charge of field trips. She thinks it is a lot of training and this is for a one-time event, and there must be a quicker way to get this approved. She thinks the field trip is great.


Stephanie Hashimura says why not have them all sign a waiver releasing us from liability?

Muriel Areno says she believes that if parent goes on trip with the intent to abuse a child no amount of training will stop them. She thinks the waiver is a good idea.

Candace Hunt says she applauds the library for giving children the opportunity to go to Ash Meadows and is sure parents would sign a permission slip. She appreciates time and effort the library staff put into this.

Laura Stewart says she thinks if there is a concern about a parent being a pedophile we should do a background check on of all the parents involved.

There is no more public comment.

Secretary Green says when she was a teacher and had field trips parents signed waivers of liability. We could do a waiver or a background check is a possibility if it is not too expensive, but she thinks a waiver of liability would cover us.

Trustee Morris says it could simplify things to use a waiver if the waiver would indemnify us.

Trustee Mounts says she agrees with Stephanie Hashimura about the waiver and says she likes the waiver idea.

Chair Shewalter says if you go through the training it covers all kinds of abuse. He says the item can be amended for a background check. He says if risk management, the insurance company, and legal are okay with a waiver and that is what is presented to the board on the 20th that is okay.

Senior Deputy District Attorney Michelle Nelson says waivers of liability are in place already. Ms. Wogee took care of that. The waivers do not cover sexual abuse/child abuse issues as those are not things that you can waive. She also adds that waivers are not enforceable against minors.

Chair Shewalter makes a motion to continue this item to the 20th to assess the risk and liability. Secretary Green seconds.

Chair Shewalter calls the question. The measure passes 4-0 with one absence.

Chair Shewalter calls for a 10 minute recess.

Meeting called back to order at 12:11 pm.

16.  For Possible Action:  Discussion and deliberation to (1) approve, amend and approve, or reject the Maintenance Services Agreement between The Pahrump Community Library and The AC Guys for the quarterly service and inspection of the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (“HVAC”) system, and (2) Execute the Agreement.

Chair Shewalter says he has been informed there are some issues with the agreement and the way it was presented and without a motion the item dies.

Trustee Morris says we were sent this under the wrong business name.

Chair Shewalter opens for public comment. There is no public comment.

The item dies for lack of a motion.

17.  For Possible Action: Discussion and deliberation regarding (1) policy and procedure for staff to follow in the event of a medical emergency and (2) placing a Naloxone Wall Mounted box at the Library.

Trustee Mounts makes a motion for (1) policy and procedure for staff to follow in the event of a medical emergency and (2) placing a Naloxone Wall Mounted box at the Library.

Senior Deputy District Attorney Michelle Nelson says with this agenda item the motion would actually be the policy and procedure or perhaps direct staff to implement a policy and procedure and whatever the board’s decision. Discussions are regarding the Naloxone wall mounted box.

Chair Shewalter asks if they can have discussion prior to making a motion. Trustee Mounts withdraws the motion.

Secretary Green asks if there is no written policy or procedure in the manual to deal with this type of medical emergency?

Director Anderson says no, we have an emergency policy but not a medical emergency policy.

Secretary Green thinks we need a policy written and in the manual and says she is not against the box.

Trustee Morris has no comment.

Trustee Mounts says she has concerns about where the box would be located. We don’t want the public to grab it. In the back by the offices would be better. She asks who is going to be administering it and says if security is not included they should be.

Director Anderson says security is already trained and the rest of the staff will follow.

Chair Shewalter reads from the librarian’s report which says Te’Andre attended the Naloxone training workshop and we will also have a naloxone wall mounted box placed in the library. Chair Shewalter asks what efforts have been put into risk management and says he is completely opposed to this idea and thinks it is dangerous. He asks about what effort has been put into risk management, insurance, and legal.

Director Anderson says Te has received the training and there have been no other procedures.

Chair Shewalter asks what risk management has been done if any. Director Anderson says not regarding this. Chair Shewalter asks what did the training involve. Director Anderson says she doesn’t know because she didn’t personally attend.

Chair Shewalter says he wants to know how staff would determine the cause if a patron collapsed. He says he is concerned about the liability.

Secretary Green says she thinks Chair Shewalter brings up some good points she hadn’t considered.

Trustee Mounts says her husband works casino security and has administered Narcan and she doesn’t know what the training is. She would like to revisit this when there is more information.

Trustee Morris says he wants more information on the subject.

Secretary Green asks if we can investigate how other libraries have handled this issue and how they are protecting themselves from liability.

Chair Shewalter makes a motion to implement a policy and procedure for the staff to call 911 in the event of any emergency and to reject placement of the naloxone wall-mounted box at the library. Trustee Mounts seconds the motion.

Chair Shewalter opens for public comment.

Kaitlin Grace says she thinks the harm that would be done by not having the naloxone is substantially worse than the harm done by mis-administering it.

Karen Waldman says she agrees with chair’s assessment. She thinks the staff are not trained paramedics and should call 911.

There is no more public comment.

Chair Shewalter calls the question.

The amended measure passes 4-0 with one absence.

18.  For Possible Action: Discussion and deliberation to approve payment to Cardinal Law Office, Ltd. in the amount of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) for legal services rendered from November 29, 2023 to March 28, 2024 regarding hostile work environment complaint dated March 31, 2023.

Chair Shewalter says he is abstaining from this item.

Senior Deputy District Attorney Michelle Nelson says he must disclose and state the reason for abstention.

Chair Shewalter says it is because the complaint involves him. He leaves the room.

In the absence of Chair Shewalter and Vice Chair Runion, Secretary Green takes over this item.

Secretary Green makes a motion to discuss and deliberate to approve payment to Cardinal Law Office, Ltd. in the amount of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) for legal services rendered from November 29, 2023 to March 28, 2024 regarding hostile work environment complaint dated March 31, 2023.

Senior Deputy District Attorney Michelle Nelson asks for an amendment to the motion to just approve the payment, not to discuss and deliberate.

Secretary Green amends her motion to approve payment to Cardinal Law Office, Ltd. in the amount of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) for legal services rendered from November 29, 2023 to March 28, 2024 regarding hostile work environment complaint dated March 31, 2023.

Trustee Mounts seconds the motion.

There is no public comment.

There is no board comment.

Secretary Green calls the question. The motion passes 3 with one absence and one abstention.

19.  For Possible Action: Discussion and deliberation whether to assign Trustee Shewalter and Trustee Morris to conduct a petty cash audit for the timeframe of May 1, 2022 through May 31, 2024.

Trustee Mounts makes a motion to assign Trustee Shewalter and Trustee Morris to conduct a petty cash audit for the timeframe of May 1, 2022 through May 31, 2024.

Secretary Green seconds the motion.

Chair Shewalter opens for public comment.

Frank Carbone says he is here as a citizen on this particular item and not as a commissioner. He says his question is why are we not asking an outside agency to look at this?

Chair Shewalter thanks him for his comment.

There is no more public comment.

Secretary Green asks is the petty cash not audited with the rest of the library finances.

Director Anderson says petty cash is included with the regular audit but does not know the extent and would have to contact Dan McArthur, who does our audit.

Secretary Green asks has there been a problem with the audits done on it to the director’s  knowledge.

Director Anderson says not that she is aware of.

Trustee Morris says in light of our recent entanglement with legal I hesitate to want to go forward with this. It may be construed as a retribution thing.

Chair Shewalter says every year from Mr. McArthur’s office we get a questionnaire about fraud that asks our concerns and my comment every year is petty cash is our biggest exposure to mishandling funds and fraud. He ask who approves the petty cash funds?

Director Anderson says finance doess.

Chair Shewalter says they are disbursed by library. They are sent to the county to be reimbursed, the board approves those petty cash expenditures, we don’t see them, they are submitted to county for reimbursement before we even approve them. If there is fraud, you’ve approved it and your ability to address it legally is getting null and void. He wants to know if Mr. McArthur’s audit is done before or after they are approved or reimbursed. He says this is not an accusation against anyone. He has questions about $4000 petty cash expenditures in December. He says last month he asked about $500 for training expenditures and was told it was Andrew Karneges’ membership to American Library Association. It happened after we withdrew from ALA and it was paid for through petty cash. He considers it an unusual petty cash disbursement. Petty cash is on the report for voucher approval and he wants to see what is in the petty cash disbursements. Per item 14 the director will now provide a monthly petty cash breakdown to the board in backup. He says this is another reason he skipped item 10 to pay the vouchers. He says there is no rational reason for petty cash to be approved after the fact.

Trustee Morris says point made and point taken, carry on.

Trustee Mounts says she has been a business owner for 30 years and the one issue of fraud is petty cash. When the petty cash showed over $4000, that is not petty cash. It should be like $500 cash and the rest goes into the account. We need to know where the cash is going.

Secretary Green says you made excellent points, but she thinks the commissioner made also an excellent point and you should consider it.

Chair Shewalter says when he had businesses petty cash was always a small box in his office with some cash in it. He says we are talking about a checking account with $10000 in it.

Shanna Gibbons says when we opened the account at Nevada state bank it was $5000. We borrowed $2000 from collections last year so that needs to go back to the collections account. There is $7000 now but it is typically $5000.

Chair Shewalter says that bills that need to be paid should be on the voucher for approval.

Secretary Green asks Directory Anderson if there are any instances when there is no time to follow the voucher procedure.

Directory Anderson says the water bill doesn’t give much time or it would be late, and we don’t want water turned off, so that is generally paid through petty cash.

Chair Shewalter asks to clarify that a water bill that could bring late charges is paid through petty cash. Director Anderson says it is.

Senior Deputy District Attorney Michelle Nelson says this is getting off the agenda and this item is whether to assign the audit.

Chair Shewalter calls the question to assign Trustee Shewalter and Trustee Morris to conduct a petty cash audit for the timeframe of May 1, 2022 through May 31, 2024.

The passes 3-1 with one no from Secretary Green and one absent.

20.  For Possible Action: Discussion and deliberation whether to assign Trustee Shewalter and Trustee Morris to conduct an audit of all training and education disbursements for the timeframe of November 1, 2020 through May 31, 2024.


Chair Shewalter makes a motion to to assign Trustee Shewalter and Trustee Morris to conduct an audit of all training and education disbursements for the timeframe of November 1, 2020 through May 31, 2024.


Trustee Mounts seconds the motion.

There is no public comment.


Chair Shewalter says while going through petty cash that brought him to write agenda item 19 he found through petty cash a reimbursement for one of the staff for education. It was a receipt for an amount for a class and there was no indication of number of credits. The education reimbursement policy approved in the employee handbook is different and he wants to make sure education disbursements are accurate. Last month he asked about how Andrew’s ALA membership was covered and he was told it was for education development. He asks Director Anderson if he misstated that and she said she does not remember exact wording, but it sounds correct. Chair Shewalter says last month he questioned the reimbursement because the policy says x amount of dollars per credit unit plus books and materials, but those remain the property of the library, and he wants to make sure the policy is being applied properly.


Secretary Green says she looked in policy manual. She reads from the manual the education reimbursement policy. She also reads from the job description for Reference Specialist, which says participates in professional organizations and keeps abreast of current trends and new professional techniques. She says if a person already has a master’s in library science, the ALA provides training and this is where librarians do professional development after getting a masters. The upcoming ALA conference has hundreds of training hours that people can sign up for. The manual is unclear as written because it says it musts be from a college or university it doesn’t address the problem of librarians who have already completed their university training. She says in her opinion the manual is  written ambiguously. The library itself withdrew from the ALA but the people who work there still need to get training and not all training can be from universities or colleges and a lot of it has to come from ALA-affiliated training.

Trustee Mounts asks Director Anderson if we have a policy/procedure for reimbursement for employees and what fund it is coming from. Director Anderson says there is not a reimbursement policy. She went off what the minutes said of what previous board approved.

Trustee Mounts asks to clarify if this was why it was paid through petty cash?

Director Anderson responds she doesn’t know how else it would be reimbursed.

Trustee Mounts says through a checking account. Director Anderson says petty cash is through a checking account.

Trustee Morris says we don’t need to do the audit now he moves that we go ahead and vote.

Chair Shewalter calls the question.

The measure passes 4-0 with one absent.

Chair Shewalter returns to item 10.

10.  For Possible Action: Discussion and deliberation to approve or amend and approve payment vouchers for April 2024 through May 2024.

Chair Shewalter makes a motion to amend and approve the vouchers from April 2024 through May 2024, omitting the petty cash line item.

Trustee Mounts seconds the motion.

There is no public comment.

Secretary Green has no comment.

Trustee Morris asks whether that was our last disbursement to JonAire. Director Anderson says she believes so and can check the invoices. If we switch to another HVAC company there will be no more invoices from JonAire.

Trustee Mounts has no comment.

Chair Shewalter asks for clarification on the JonAire line item for $1138 for because it seems over the quarterly contract amount. Director Anderson says the amount is $960. There is another invoice for when the story room was not being used back in December for $178. Chair Shewalter asks if the invoice from December has been paid. Director Anderson says it has not.

Chair Shewalter calls the question.

The amended motion passes 4-0 with one absent.

21.  For Trustee/Director/Liaison Comments: This item is limited to announcements or topics/issues proposed for future workshops, committees and agendas.

Frank Carbone says some of the items on the agenda do not have enough backup or public comment on certain items. He says are doing motions before we get to see all the data.

Director Anderson has no comment.

Secretary Green says she agrees with Commissioner Carbone and his comments. She would like to board to consider an agenda item to reinstate the Zoom meetings so that people who are unwell, sometimes members of the board and sometimes members of the public, are able to participate in meetings.

Trustee Morris says he is glad everybody showed up today. He appreciates everyone’s patience. The more people who come out the better and says thanks a lot and have a great month until next time.

Trustee Mounts says she wants to be clear that the director is not being accused of fraud. She agrees with all the auditing so if someone from the audience asks a question we know the answer. She thanks everyone for their concern with Pebbles and says she will see everyone at May 20 budget meeting.

Chair Shewalter says the item for the audit for the petty cash is not an accusation. It is to find out how it is being used. The Zoom issue was presented to the board as a requirement, as an OML issue, and there is no foundation for that. However, if you want a Zoom connection to our meeting, contact the director and she will set that up. The ability to do that has already been put in place. He says loves the fact that all these people come to the meetings. Before this board nobody came to the meetings. He invites everyone to come comment. When you pay property taxes you support this library and you should have a voice in it.

Senior Deputy District Attorney Michelle Nelson asks to clarify, for Zoom meetings, will it be for anyone in the public or only for disabled members? As it states right now, disabled members of the public may request reasonable accommodations. If you are opening it up for all of the public she needs to know what additional language to add.

Chair Shewalter thanks her for her comment and asks Director Anderson if she wants it open for everyone.

Director Anderson says that was the original idea.

Chair Shewalter requests to make the wording for everyone.

Senior Deputy District Attorney Michelle Nelson says based on time limitations for the May 20 agenda can we have it starting for our June meeting. Chair Shewalter says it will be on the agenda for the June 10 meeting and it will be implemented on June 10.

22.  Adjournment.


Chair Shewalter adjourns the meeting at 1:11 pm.



Study Room Bookings

Please call the Reference Desk at 775-727-5930 ex 2 to book the study rooms. After hours, please leave a message with your phone number and we will call back the next business day. Thank you!