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Pahrump Community Library
The Information, Education, One-Stop Mind Station!

Library Board Minutes 10/20/21

Board Meeting Minutes –10/20/21

Meeting was called to order at 10:00a.m. Pledge was said. Present were John Shewalter, Dave Ochenreider, Brian Shoemake, Kameron Mitchell, Dee Mounts and Shanna Gibbons. Guests present were Alysha Wogee, Barbara Wieder, and various members of the public.

Trustee/Director Comments: Kameron Mitchell had concerns about the renaming of the library and said we should go to legal to discuss. Dave Ochenreider asked about getting a light out front on the flag in front of the building. Shanna Gibbons said she would check to see if it needed to be replaced. Brian Shoemake said the Resolution was framed and ready to be hung.

Approval of Agenda/Consent of agenda: Brian Shoemake made a motion amend the agenda by striking agenda item 7 (Emergency Items), and Kameron Mitchell seconded the motion and the motion carried. 

Public Comment: Carolene Logue – She requested that there be policies and procedures established that the Library Board should follow for the County Commissioners to oversee.
Diane Marie Holguin-Brooks requested a written synopsis regarding the Director position and the positions criteria. 

Emergency Items: Item was stricken.

Approval of Minutes from September, 22 2021 meeting: Dave Ochenreider made a motion to accept the minutes of the previous meeting; Kameron Mitchell seconded and the motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: (attached) Shanna Gibbons reviewed.

Discussion and Deliberation to approve vouchers: Kameron Mitchell made a motion to approve the minutes, and Brian Shoemake seconded the motion and it carried. Vouchers were signed by board members.

Librarian’s report: Shanna Gibbons discussed the Librarian’s Report (attached). 

General public comment: Jane Goodrow – Asked what the reason is for the library name change and if they understand the cost of changing everything.
C.J. Stevens – She asked the board to clarify the motive and to check on the expense of changing the library name. She also wanted to know the cost of getting the resolution and other donations framed.
Carol Logue – She said that the future plans for the library should be discussed with all of the County Commissioners and not just the Liaison. She also stated that there has been no discussion of hiring a director.

Director/Trustee Comments: Shanna Gibbons – She stated that she has library emails for the board members ready and will be put on the website.
John Shewalter wanted to clarify to the public who we are as a library and how we identify in the county.
Brian Shoemake – Stated that he felt like the public comments were scolding the board, and that they were holding the job opening to make the job more realistic for the current applicant pool. He also said the public doesn’t see the work that goes into finding a director, but they are doing what they can.
John Shewalter – He stated that it’s a lot of work to get an item approved and to move it forward. The director position isn’t to be taken lightly.

The public tried to speak again and were told by John Shewalter that public Comment was already closed and they could not speak. Commissioner Leo Blundo came in late, he wanted to speak and asked for public comment to be reopened. The request was denied.
Adjournment:  Kameron Mitchell made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Dee Mounts made a second and the meeting adjourned at 10:57 a.m. 

Next meeting will be November 9, 2021 and will return to its regular scheduled meeting time. The side doors by the meeting rooms will be opened at 9:45am, so the public may enter.


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