Public Comment Policy
Members of the public who wish to address the Library Board of Trustees may come forward and speak on any topic that is relevant to or within the authority of the Library Board. The Board respects the rights of
citizens to present differing opinions and views. The public comment period at library district board meeting shall be limited to a maximum of forty-five(45) minutes for the first period of the public comment. Remarks by speakers during each public comment period shall be limited to three(3) minutes each. The Chairman may modify or suspend this individual limit as needed. If you believe your item requires extended discussion or action, you may ask a member of the Board to place it on the Board’s agenda for a future meeting. No action may be taken on a matter raised under this item of the agenda unless the matter is noticed on a Board agenda as an item on which may be taken.
In accordance with the Open Meeting Law, the Chairperson may prohibit public comment if the person speaking is willfully disruptive of the meeting by being irrelevant, repetitious, slanderous, offensive, inflammatory, irrational, or amounting to personal attacks or interfering with the rights of other speakers.
Adopted by the Pahrump Community Library Board of Trustees 10/08/01 reviewed 10-13-14 adopted 2/8/21