"Google can bring you back 100,000 answers, a Librarian can bring you the right one." ~author Neil Gaiman
Ask the Reference staff a question, and you are very likely to get the answer! We are able to quickly look up the answer to a specific question, or we can help you find what you're looking for!
* We'll use the catalog to find out whether the Library owns an item with a particular title or author; or that contains a short story, chapter, song, or poem with a particular title; or to compile a list of books by a particular author or on a particular subject. We will happily give you a brief lesson on how to use the catalog yourself and we can often take you directly to the shelves with books on a certain topic without using the catlog.
* We can recommend books that might contain the answer you're looking for and we will always point you toward reputable online sources, databases, and articles. With all that the Internet has to offer, it can be daunting but we can recommend reliable websites, give advice on search strategies, and help you evaluate the reliability of information you may find on the web.
If the Library doesn't have the information you're looking for, or we are unable to answer your question satisfactorily, we can refer you to other libraries, organizations, or individuals that you may contact by phone, mail, or email.