Pahrump Community Library District
Doris Shirkey, Founder
701 East Street, Pahrump, NV 89048
Board of Trustees Regular Meeting September 14, 2020
Meeting was called to order at 11:02am. Pledge was said. Present were Chris Zimmerman, Bill Newyear, Joy Marshall, Janice Painter, and Susan Wonderly. Marie Long was absent. Guests present were Amy Bruno, Shanna Gibbons, Alysha Wogee, John Koenig, John Pawlak, Cian Haushen, Tyler Schwartzkopf, and Phillip Peng.
Approval of Agenda/Consent of agenda: Chris Zimmerman asked that the agenda be approved. Bill Newyear made a motion to accept the agenda: Janice Painter, seconded and the motion carried.
Public Comment: Phillip Peng stated he was given the library’s email address and he used it to order services (Been Verified) and paid $61.00. He now can’t access the service he paid for and would like the library to refund his $61.00.
John Koenig: He stated that the good news is bars are back open and small businesses are opening back up. He also stated that Every Thursday The Government Task Force meets and is doing well.
Joy Marshall: She asked why Phillip Peng was charged and Susan explained we didn’t charge him, the place he ordered from did.
Chris Zimmerman: He made a comment that the library’s email isn’t for personal use and that it is used for scanning and printing services.
Janice Painter: Asked if the COVID cases have dropped.
John Koenig: He answered and stated that we are averaging one a day and there has been no increase since school has started back up.
Approval of minutes of 08/10/20 meeting: The meeting minutes were approved with the correction of the 2nd Public Comment be withdrawn due to error. Janice painter made a motion to accept the minutes of the previous meeting; Joy seconded and the motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: (attached) Susan noted that the current report is attached and it was reviewed.
Vouchers were signed by board members that were present.
Chris Zimmerman: He stated that the cleaning budget is under what was expected.
Janice Painter: She asked if the tax money coming in is lower than expected.
John Koenig: He stated that the report from last year we came out ahead and sales tax went well.
Joy Marshall: She asked why John Koenig was allowed to speak when it’s not public comment. Chris explained that as chairman he can give him permission to speak and answer directly if he has the direct information.
Librarian’s report: Susan discussed the Librarian’s Report (attached). She also informed the board about the roof damage that has been found and that the roofer said it would be $2,600 to repair it along with the approximate 80 other tiles that need replacing. The insurance has a $500 deductible.
Chris Zimmerman: He asked if we would file a claim and risk the premium going up over time or does the library just pay to have it repaired. He suggested to just have it repaired without a claim on the insurance. The board agreed and Chris signed the quote to get the roof repaired.
Families First Coronavirus Sick Leave Policy: Susan stated that there was an expansion and some changed wording that was clarified.
Joy Marshall: She asked about the employee who had a husband tested positive. It was explained to her that she quarantined herself and never had a positive test and only returned after her husband also tested negative.
Phillip Peng: He asked if he could leave and was told yes.
Bill Newyear made a motion to accept the expansion of Pahrump Library Sick Leave Policy and to revise the wording and Janice Painter seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Expanding open hours in October: Susan suggested that our new hours starting October 1st be Monday-Thursday 10-5 and Friday and Saturday 10-4, with a one-hour limit in the library and on the computers.
Janice Painter made a motion to extend the hours and Joy seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Tyler Schwartzkopf: Susan went over Tyler getting more hours through the CARES ACT and that he would not be getting healthcare.
Bill Newyear made a motion to accept and Janice Painter seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Library closure: Susan explained that we need to close the library for computer maintenance and October 31st is a good day to do it because we are already closed on October 30th for Nevada Day and it will probably take 2 days to complete.
Joy Marshall made a motion to accept the motion, Janice Painter seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Trustee Manual: Susan asked if there were any questions regarding the Trustee Manual and there were none.
Board Members/Director’s comments: Bill Newyear stated that he was impressed with the general operation of the staff and Susan and that the meetings are run very professional.
Susan Wonderly: She stated that she made a list of all the employees names and their job description as requested.
Joy Marshall: She stated that she looked up the rule about board members meeting outside the meeting and it was allowed, but the members are not allowed to talk about library business at that time.
Amy Bruno: She clarified the issue with Phillip Peng and that he used our email to sign up for a service and then couldn’t access it because it was the library’s email and now he wants his money back for the service and that he was previously told not to use our email.
2nd Public Comment: John Koenig suggested that we might want to change our policy to allow an Emergency Item for Possible Action that can be voted for on the spot.
Susan Wonderly stated that the next agenda we should go over library policies since there is time.
The board decided to keep the Board Meetings at 11am.
Adjournment: Joy Marshall made a motion to adjourn the meeting, and Janice Painter seconded, and the motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 12:01pm.
Submitted by Joy Marshall